Thursday, May 15, 2008

Pomp and Circumstance

So I write this, for dramatic effect, on the eve of my last night of being a Fellow! Tomorrow's it, the last day, the show is over say goodbye. Only, not really. Much of the melodrama is decidedly lost on me, since I decided to stay on at DHS for the summer. My title changes from fellow to intern, but my job will be largely the same. There are some projects I want to see through, such as this financial education initiative, so I'll be there until August when school starts.

The fellows had a "graduation" ceremony last week. Everyone got all dolled up, Bloomberg came and spoke (his advice: make your billions first, then go in to public service...), all in all it was a very nice evening. We started the event by getting there 15 minutes early and arranging ourselves on a picturesque stairwell for a photo-op, with a Bloomberg-sized hole in the front row. He arrived, inserted himself in the picture, and we were off! It must be strange to live your life shepherded around from one photo-op to another...

Anyways, that's a wrap, folks. I think this is probably the end of my blogging, but I do love to end on a photo montage, so there may be something more yet! No promises though. :-) Thanks for your reading and sticking it out through the end.

Much love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is this really the end?