Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Time for tea, and celebrity spotting #2

The Fellows had tea at Gracie Mansion yesterday morning, the mayoral residence of New York City, although Bloomberg doesn't actually live there (he thought his own digs on 79th St were good enough). Bloomie himself was there (a few of us caught a glimpse of him walking through the kitchen) supposedly having a budget meeting, but actually it turned out the commish of the Dept. of Buildings was resigning. Sad.

In the evening, I went to a special screening for DHS senior staff of this movie about a family experiencing homelessness. The movie itself wasn't great, and the discussion afterward with the director was, shall we say, very lively. The best part of the evening, however, was that as I was leaving the theater there was a small crowd waiting to get in for a screening of another movie, there on the sidewalk was Nick Sobotka from The Wire! As I have recently become addicted to this show, it was rather exciting.

That's all. Hope you enjoyed the links!

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