On a more positive note, however, I got to go observe the lease-signings for clients who are moving out into apartments. These clients have made their way through the shelter system and happily exiting. Here, everyone was happy and excited to move into a new place. I also got to talk with several clients, and I was very impressed with them and the amount of work they've done to get try and get back on their feet. I think I needed to see that end of things after a spending a week at the intake center.
In weekend update news, this weekend was abosolutely gorgeous! On Saturday Hana from Westerville/MIT came into town we got to do some touristing around. Today, I got a camera, which was terribly exciting, and I tested it out as Erika and I took a sunny walk through Central Park. Oddly enough, I ran into my boss in the middle of the woods in the Ramble. New York is not such a big place after all, I don't think.
The first picture taken with the new camera. I'm so excited to have one again. Location: City Hall Park.

Central Park, with fall leaves and spring-like weather.

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