Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ready, Set, Books! and other stories.

Last weekend I went with a few other volunteers from Mercy Center to take part in this book drive called Project Cicero, for teachers and other organizations that work with kids. You can have a team of five, and each person given a large box and one hour to wander through this huge ballroom filled with new and slightly used books. The box has to be left in the hallway, though, so you frantically fill your arms with as many as you can hold, run out to the hallway, dump your books into the box in a fairly organized fashion (the box has to close at the end, so you have to be an efficient packer). So basically it was like a giant kids' book easter egg hunt, or more like the daydream that I had as a kid that time would freeze (and so would everyone else but me) while I was in the grocery store so I could run around and eat whatever I wanted (I know, I was a strange one...). I love kids books, and it was so much fun just to be able to pick up all my old favorites, and whatever else struck my fancy. Between the five of us, we ended up with over five suitcases and two backpacks full of books that Mercy Center will use for the reading and after school program. The new books are especially great, because they give them out as gifts when the kids graduate.

In other news, a woman at work gave me some salsa dancing lessons at the Y. She was unable to complete the class because of back injury, and she knew I would like them, so she passed them on to me! I started this week, and I'm very excited about them. I don't dance nearly enough these days.

Annnnnnd, in a completely unrelated note, my friend Grant had his piece air on NPR this weekend, which is very exciting. You can listen to it here. Yay Grant!

Hmm, I think that's about it. Until next time,

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