Monday, January 14, 2008

A semi-depressing NYTimes article

Makes you really want to read it, huh...

"A program specifically for working families, would pay up to $1,130 a month for a two-bedroom apartment for one year. Families would be expected to pay $50 a month toward rent and would be encouraged to save up to 20 percent of the actual rent.

By year’s end, he said, the city would match the savings as well as their $600 in rent contributions. An extra year would be allowed for those who were still shaky. He estimated that a family could have $10,000 by the end of the second year."

This program is what I am working on.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Hey Hooly,

Keep up the good work. It's a big task, for sure, but never underestimate that you can make a difference.

Catch ya later gator,