Monday, December 10, 2007

Happy Hanukkah

Just to give you a little flavor of my neighbhorhood, I thought I should tell you that my neighbhorhood has a "Menorah Mobile" (so named by roomie Erika) that drives around the neighborhood blaring (and I mean blaring) what sounds vaguely like a cross between "Rockin around the Christmas Tree" and the "Hallelujah Chorus" played by a marching band, but is actually a song in Hebrew (although I'm guessing on the language), and has a "Happy Chanukkah" banner draped over the sides barely covering the painted "Rent Me. Call ***-****." It passes around the block a few times every night like the icecream man. Welcome to BROOKLYN!

Oh yes, semi on the same subject, the first night of our DC trip was the second day of Hanukkah, and the Jewish Fellows invited everyone to take part in lighting the Menorah. We congregated in Sarah's room as she lit the candles, and she and Bracha sang their song. Then, at our prompting, we made Etan tell us non-Jews the story of Hanukkah. It was fun. It reminded me, oddly, of being at a youth hostel in Argentina and watching Isrealis do the same thing. Traditions are pretty amazing - uniting across space and time.

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