Call the Helpline NOW!
English: 212.330.6505 | Spanish: 212.330.6506

Free Advice to help you through the Financial Crisis
THE ECONOMIC CRISIS affects everyone, from people struggling with their rent or mortgage to those losing their jobs or seeing the value of their pensions eroding.
But help is here! Starting Monday, the city’s Department of Consumer Affairs, The City University of New York and the Daily News will launch an unprecedented initiative to offer FREE advice to anyone who needs it.
The YOUR MONEY HELPLINE brings together some of the leading experts from across the city to give YOU the help you need. With uncertainty plaguing every aspect of personal fi nance, there has never been a greater need for the type of advice the YOUR MONEY HELPLINE will bring.

Our experts come from the City’s Office of Financial Empowerment, banks and credit unions, financial industry associations and participants, city agencies, CUNY’s business, finance and economics faculty, staff and student financial aid experts and other trained volunteers. Starting Monday morning, they will be available on a Daily News phone bank to answer all your questions and offer advice about weathering the financial storm.
They will provide help in English and Spanish – and advice will be featured on the Univision Spanish television channel and the Wado radio network.
It is vital help that could benefit all New Yorkers. Contacting the YOUR MONEY HELPLINE could be the most valuable call you ever make.
Please remember that you can always call 311 or visit to learn about services available throughout New York City to help you through the financial crisis. And for quick information about free and low-cost financial education classes and counseling available in your area, visit the City's Financial Education Network Directory.
For information on higher educational opportunities and financial aid, job training, certificate programs, skills building and professional training programs at CUNY's 23 campuses, please visit: